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New Student Admission / Registration
S1 and D3 Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado

Acceptance/New Student Registration are held EVERY SEMESTER

Overall Information about Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado and
Odd Semester Year 2024/2025 Admission as below.

Place of study in Universitas Nusantara Manado - University of Nusantara Manado Campus

The program is organized Universitas Nusantara Manado to implement SOCIAL COMMITMENT, by giving opportunity to all people, both who have limited time and limited funds to continue their education to S1 and D3 Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado a dignified and quality.

There is no state exam (similar to public universities).


Fast and direct way to Contents Page - Please click the underlined below :

Requirements Candidate New Colleger
Schedule of Admission Candidate Colleger
Procedure Admission (& Equipment Register)
Study Load & Education Period
Schedule of Lectures
Universitas Nusantara Manado Campus Locations
Majors / Department / Study Programs and Concentration
Student Status, Status Graduates, Diploma & Degree
Education Systems
Excellence Higher Education in Universitas Nusantara Manado
Selection System Candidate Colleger

Cost Study & Installments

Request for Scholarship (Application procedures)
Registration / Admission Form (Free)
Complete Brochure request (Free via POS) and 17 Hour Service Info
Contact Us

Requirements Candidate New Colleger
Continuing to Bachelor Program (S1)
SMA/SMU, SMK, MA graduates or equivalent.
D3, Polytechnic, Academy, or equivalent from a variety of majors.
Transfer students, or graduates D2, D1, or S1 graduate majoring different.

Continuing to Diploma (D-III)
SMA/SMU, SMK, MA graduates or equivalent.
Transfer students, or graduates D2, D1, or D3 graduate majoring different.

Schedule of Admission Candidate Colleger

r359aa 100.000,-
Registration is open EVERY DAY (including Saturday and Sunday): 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration can be directly on the Universitas Nusantara Manado campus (PKSM Secretariat) or represented or can be via POS, Phone, Fax, or via Internet (via Online Admission).
New Student Admissions Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) are held EVERY SEMESTER.
For Odd Semester Year 2024/2025, registration schedule is as follows :
AdmissionPeriod IPeriod IIPeriod III
Odd 2024/20251 Sep - 31 Dec 20231 Jan - 30 Apr 20241 May - 11 Sep 2024
Note : Direct Registration is closed when capacity has been met
Starting Lecture (New Student Briefing) = Friday, 20 September 2024

Procedure Admission (& Equipment Register)

Fill the Registration Form
Fill the "Installment Payment Schedule Form Tuition Fee Loan"
Submit :
» To graduate from SMA, SMK, equivalent : 2 pieces of copy certificates and STTB.
» To graduate from D3, D2, D1, S1, Polytechnic, Academy, etc. : 2 sheets of copy Transcript and Diploma.
Submit recent photographs of size 2 x 3, 3 x 4, 4 x 6 (4 pieces each) - be followed
Notes (Explanation) :
For Diploma / STTB / Transcript, when sufficient registration a copy of his course. Later after doing herregistrasi to be a student, then furnish it with documents that have been legalized.
Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado Admission Form and other Forms can be obtained for FREE at Secretariat PKSM Universitas Nusantara Manado or PKSM secretariat another PTS Authorized Operator PKSM, or can be requested for FREE through information services in 17 hours, or can be through online admission Universitas Nusantara Manado.

Study Load & Education Period

Study period and study load of students who have taken Regular Program and Afternoon / Eevening Class Program follow the standards already set by the government, namely:
Minister's decision (Permendikbudristek) Number 53 in 2023 (please click)
Higher Education Quality Assurance.

ToStudy Load (Credits to be taken)Study Period
Graduate SMA, SMK, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 144 - 152 sks8 semester
Graduate D-III, Polytechnic,
Academy, equivalent
to S-1 Program
Study Load = 40 - 46 sks
(If not a piece of science additional are given 2 - 21 sks)
3 semester
Graduate D2, S1, D1,
Transfer to S1
Calculated from remaining creditsCalculated from remaining credits

Schedule of Lectures

In accordance with Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 on National Education System (SISDIKNAS) in Section 19 paragraph (2) that "Higher Education organized by the Open Systems".
And Law-RI explanation is written: "Education is an open system of education held by flexibility of choice and completion time cross-unit programs and educational pathways (multi entry-multi exit system). Learners can learn by working, or take educational programs on the different types and pathways in an integrated education, .... etc."   Download Law-RI No.20 Th.2003 (54 kb).

Course scheduling system qualified, flexible, unsaturated, do not interfere with work schedules for students who already work, and students still have time for a vacation / break or carry out other things (do not spend all his spare time to study).

For students who work on shifts (turnover time), can still attend lectures well. Because the system is implemented in a professional education with integrate Executive Lecture Program and Regular Program, so that students who work on shifts (turnover time) can attend classes in other programs with particular mechanism.

Note :
For more details about the lecture time (scheduling lectures), can be asked via the 17 Hours Information Services or can be asked directly at Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado secretariat.

Universitas Nusantara Manado Campus Locations

Universitas Nusantara Manado - University of Nusantara Manado
Campus NUSANTARA :Jl. Raya Lengkong Wuaya, Paal Dua - Kec. Tikala - Kota Manado 95129

Campus Location Map Universitas Nusantara Manado
Public Transportation to Universitas Nusantara Manado Campus

Majors / Department / Study Programs and Concentration

Faculty of Engineering
Architecture (S-1) Architecture

Faculty of Computer Science (FIK)
Technical Information (S-1) Technical Information
Accounting computer (D-3) Accounting computer
Informatics Management (D-3) Informatics Management

Faculty of Economics (FE)
Management (S-1) Management
Accounting (S-1) Accounting

Faculty of Literature (FS)
English literature (S-1) English literature

Faculty of Agriculture (FP)
Agribusiness (S-1) Agribusiness

Student Status, Status Graduates, Diploma & Degree

Graduates and Students Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended), Extension Program and the Regular Program Universitas Nusantara Manado have STATUS, QUALITY, TITLE ACADEMIC, DEGREE, and DIPLOMAS THE SAME.
Graduates PKSM Universitas Nusantara Manado have a degree in accordance with the level of education and majors / fields of science, and has the right to use his title and has the right to continue their education to a higher level.
Diplomas and academic transcripts (Transcript) Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) and Regular Program is the SAME. And on the diploma and transcript, not written whether Graduates or Graduates Regular / P2K / PKSM. Because PKSM is the Regular Program with class schedules and different study participants.

Education Systems

Education systems are run professionally and is very suitable for employees who are busy with work and for those who are not employees. In addition to face to face lectures, also utilizing a variety of effective methods through individual task oriented, communicative group work, and concludes with guidance workmanship is directed, programmed and scheduled so that students can complete studies on time.
Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) for students who work shift system (turnover time), to follow the course properly. Because the education system implemented in a professional manner with integrate Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) and the Regular Program, so that Students work shift system (turnover time) can follow lectures in other programs with particular mechanism.
Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) students who fail a course, they will be able to repeat courses in the semester / next period (anytime) at no extra cost.
Graduates S1 and D3 Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado prepared a Bachelor (S1) or Diploma/Associate Expert (D3) in accordance with department / study program which can develop their identity with the provision of science, technology, and art, so as to resolve / solve problems and develop their knowledge.
The curriculum is based on Semester Credit System. Quality curriculum designed in addition to referring to the national curriculum, as well as by developments in science, technology, art, and to the needs of the workforce and the need for further studies into higher education.
For afternoon class (online lectures / blended) students who are working are not allowed to attend classes for several meetings, when students get a job related to overtime work, or work with the system replacement time, work assignments outside the city / country, with a particular mechanism.
Graduates Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado have strong ability to master the theory as well as applications, and professional skills as well as a comprehensive perspective; develop frame of mind attitude oriented professionals in solving the problem based on the flow-systems thinking; able to develop theoretical studies of current conceptual; has the ability to perform a variety of basic research and applied.
Graduates Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado are also equipped with the knowledge, academic and professional ethics, ability and skills to manage a team / organization comprehensively in the field according to the field of science; ability to cooperate in teams, the ability to understand science to ethics, the ability to understand the knowledge of appropriate field of science, as well as equipped with the ability to utilize information and communication technologies for their needs.
Basic competence Graduates S1 and D3 Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information; know how and can continually learn; in deal with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology; able to apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled for the field of science; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to utilize effectively the resources available; able to initiate the establishment of pilot units for the field of entrepreneurship knowledge, able to follow new developments in the field of science, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

Excellence Higher Education in Universitas Nusantara Manado

Higher Education in Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado has many advantages and excellence, among others :

Trusted in the operation of Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended), because it has met two conditions Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) absolute implementation, namely :
  • Implementation in accordance with the norms and rules of academic (in accordance with the legislation).
  • Implementation in accordance with the demands of the workplace (curriculum, in college, class schedules, faculty, educational system, etc.).
For afternoon class (online lectures / blended) students who work on shifts (turnover time), still can keep up with course work. Because the education system implemented in a professional manner with integrate Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) and Regular Program, so that students who work on shifts (turnover time) can follow lectures in other programs with particular mechanism.
Graduates and Students of Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) and Regular Classes have STATUS, QUALITY, ACADEMIC RIGHTS, DEGREE, and DIPLOMAS THE SAME.
Curriculum afternoon class program (online lectures / blended) University of Nusantara Manado and teaching-learning process is designed in such a way to use credits system implemented professionallyl and appropriate for the employee, so that afternoon class (online lectures / blended) students remain busy working to complete studies on time.
Universitas Nusantara Manado. campus location is easily accessible, using either private or public transport.
Available lodging / boarding around the Universitas Nusantara Manado campus.
The whole department in Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado, there is no state exam (similar to public universities).
Provided scholarships (no ties) for afternoon class (online lectures / blended) University of Nusantara Manado students truly needyn.
Organized by the Higher Education has accredited the best but also has an extensive network in the world of work. Although the best quality, Universitas Nusantara Manado still has SOCIAL COMMITMENT. Among others, to assist students in paying the cost of education by providing tuition credit facilities without interest, so that the monthly tuition fee can be paid in installments according to the ability of prospective students.
Lecture time of Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado qualified, not saturated, not to disrupt the work schedule for those already working, and afternoon class (online lectures / blended)students still have time for a vacation / break, etc.
Complete Facilities in Universitas Nusantara Manado, consisting of various laboratories (complete), studios, workshops, places of worship, sports facilities, Computer Centre, collaboration with companies / institutions / agencies, etc.
Professors (lecturers) in Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado are lecturers who are professionals in their field.
For afternoon class (online lectures / blended) students who are working are not allowed to attend classes for several meetings, when students get a job related to overtime work, or work with the system replacement time, work assignments outside the city / country, with a particular mechanism.

Selection System Candidate Colleger
On the selection and new student registration applied to OSS system (One Stop Service), so quality and provide fast and best service to the public (for new students).
With the implementation of this system, then the selection system can be directly carried out simultaneously when the new student registration. Or schedule selection / interview can be determined solely by the following prospective students.
Selection / interview and registration can be directly on campus Universitas Nusantara Manado (PKSM Secretariat), or can be via telephone, fax, letter (POS), or the internet.
Schedule Selection / Interview Candidate is determined solely by, or can be directly carried out simultaneously at the time of registration.
No special preparation is required to participate in the selection / interview, even better if it is just.
The results of direct interviews notified to prospective students, when completed interviews.
Selection of afternoon class (online lectures / blended) University of Nusantara Manado candidate interviews conducted at the same time, Academic Interview, Financial/Finance Interview, Administration and Marketing Interviews.
Academic Interview, to determine the need / or not be given additional knowledge base, so it will be able to complete the study on time. So students do not need to be prepared specifically for the academic interview (even better what it is anyway).
Financial Interview, to determine the financial ability of prospective students, whether in paying tuition fees will be provided interest-free loan so that it can move within one's power or shall directly pay off.
Administration & Marketing Interview, to determine the ability to complete other documents, as well as plan activities for the upcoming, free time, interest in further study in Universitas Nusantara Manado, its ability to maintain the image of University of Nusantara Manado, and so forth.

Cost Study & Installments

In principle University of Nusantara Manado belongs to the people who always put the quality of higher education.
However, Universitas Nusantara Manado Leading the Higher Education and Accreditation still has SOCIAL COMMITMENT. Among others, to assist students in paying the cost of education by providing tuition credit facilities without interest, so the tuition fee can be paid in installments according to the ability of prospective students. In addition, some private universities provide scholarships directly to truly less well off financially.

Universitas Nusantara Manado to make the cost of education is only comprised of 2 components only.

1. Development Contributions (SPb) or Money Jetty

Development Contributions can be repaid according to the study period, which can be repaid up to:
» 24 times for graduate SMA, SMK, D1, equivalent proceed to S-1 Program
» 18 times For graduate SMA / SMK to D3 and D3/equivalent proceed to S-1 Program
» The first minimum payment = IDR. 100.000 proceed to S-1 Program
And the remainder scheduled to yourself appropriate installment table below.

However, especially for a truly in financial difficulties, can create a table in accordance with the installment own financial capabilities, or requesting scholarships (fee waivers).

2. Contribution of Education each semester (SPP)

The SPP has included BPP Basic, cash credits, examination fees, registration, and money practicum each semester. Any number of credits taken in a semester, tuition did not change.
This SPP is paid each semester to a few times,, which can be repaid six times (1 semester = 6 months) with
» The first minimum payment = IDR. 390.000 proceed to S-1 Program
And the remainder scheduled to yourself appropriate installment table below.

However, especially for a truly in financial difficulties, can create a table in accordance with the installment own financial capabilities, or requesting scholarships (fee waivers).

Total First Payment

Total First Payment = Installment 1 for the SPb + Installment 1 for the SPP + Jackets Civitas :
» IDR. (100.000 + 390.000 + 150.000) = IDR. 640.000 to proceed to D-3 and S-1.

The remaining installments paid in installments as the table below.

Table Installment
Development Contributions (SPb)

Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado

A.1.Table Installment of SPb in University of Nusantara
For graduate SMA/SMK, D3, etc. proceed to S-1
InstallmentThe number and amount of installments
24 x12 x4 x1 x

A.2.Table Installment of SPb in University of Nusantara
For graduate SMA / SMK & D3, Polytechnic, Equal To Diploma 3 (D3) - GRADUATE (S1)
InstallmentThe number and amount of installments
18 x 12 x7 x4x1 x

Table Installment
Contribution of Education each semester (SPP)

Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) University of Nusantara Manado

B.1.Table Installment of SPP in University of Nusantara
For graduate SMA/SMK, D3, etc. proceed to S-1
InstallmentThe number and amount of installments
6 x5 x4 x3 x1 x

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Likewise, and thank you profusely have read this information and a willingness conveyinformation.

Hopefully today you happy and successful always.

Best wishes and tight handshake,
Chairman of Public Relations Afternoon Class (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado
Campus NUSANTARA : Jl. Raya Lengkong Wuaya, Paal Dua - Kec. Tikala - Kota Manado 95129
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Afternoon Class Program (Online Lectures / Blended) Universitas Nusantara Manado   ⊘   Quality of Evaluation Model A+